If you’re struggling to repay your student loans, the Repayment Assistance Plan may be an option.
You may be eligible for the Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) if:
Learn more about financial eligibility requirements at Student Aid policy, Repayment Assistance Plan.
If you’re eligible, your monthly payments will be reduced to something more affordable based on your family size and income. In some cases, you will not have to make any monthly payments.
There are two stages to the Repayment Assistance Plan:
RAP Stage 1
Alberta Student Loans | RAP Program Enhancements as of July 1, 2023 Repayment Assistance Plan income thresholds are increased from $25,000 to $40,000 to support more students. |
You can apply anytime during repayment to receive assistance for up to 6 months. If you still need help after 6 months, you must re-apply.
The table below outlines how to apply for RAP based on your circumstances:
How to apply
If you have only Alberta loans
Contact the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre to discuss your situation.
If you have a disability
If you have Canada loans, or Canada and Alberta loans, submit a Repayment Assistance Plan for Borrowers with Disabilities application through your NSLSC account.
If you only have an Alberta loan, contact the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre to discuss your situation.
If you are residing outside of Canada
You don’t qualify for the Repayment Assistance Plan for your Canada loans.
You can still apply to Alberta by contacting the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre.